Love Stinks

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Someone farted. Uh-oh, they’re looking at you. You look around the room and, thankfully, find an out: “it was the dog.” Ever since the first dog walked into the cave they have taken the blame for life’s smellier moments. Maybe this is the true origin of Man’s Best Friend. Fact is, dogs do stink from time to time but we still love them. Here’s a look at some of the more malodorous moments of life with a dog and how to remedy them. 

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Let’s take it from the top. Dog breath can be some pretty rank stuff but there’s no mystery here. After all, we’re talking about an animal that drinks from the toilet, licks its butt, and eats from the garbage. Ain’t love grand? The good news is that Dolittle’s can help. They have several products to help clean up aliento de los muertos. You can choose from toothbrushes to minty chews. You will also find OxyFresh, a water supplement available. For years customers have raved about the effectiveness of the water additive. Veterinarians have even noticed the improvements in dogs on OxyFresh. Dolittle’s even has some fast acting treats for when company is coming to visit. 

Fun note: bad breath can travel. Have you ever tried to get a sense of the smell of your breath by licking the back of your hand? Go ahead, we’ll wait. Turns out there’s a fair amount of smelly bacteria in saliva. When the liquid evaporates the smell lingers. Do you know where we are heading with this? There is a slight chance that your dog, who rarely brushes their teeth and sometimes licks unclean things, is harboring odious bacteria in their saliva. The same saliva that will find its way onto toys, chews, and bones. So when you think that antler or rubber toy is stinky just give it a good cleaning. Dolittle’s often suggests a quick parboiling or just a good old fashioned deep clean. 

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aliento de los muertos


While we did have to look up this fancy Latin word, bromhidrosis, we are familiar with what it means: body odor. It’s sometimes hard to imagine your furry little dog smelling bad but the truth is sometimes they stink. Sure it could be eau de crab, or whatever they have chosen to roll in and a good shampooing will knock out most of the nasty. At Dolittle’s, we have some great shampoos that won’t strip the natural oils from your dog’s coat. Other sources of odor can be from the ears or the feet. We recommend regular wiping of both of these areas. It may also be worth a look at their food. If your dog is exhibiting a yeasty odor they could have an infection (see your vet). To reduce the risk of yeast it’s best to feed foods that are low in sugars, this means low in carbs too.

Frito Feet: Yes, this is a real thing. You are not imagining it. The general consensus is that dog paws can harbor bacteria that develop into the human equivalent of smelly feet. Be glad it’s a Frito smell. Keep stinky paw at bay with regular paw wiping. 

Dolittle’s cannot prevent poots, but we may be able to help reduce the frequency and the toxicity. One step toward life with less gas is to simply add water to their food bowl. The addition of water will help eliminate the amount of air gobbled up while eating. Less air in is less air out. Also, the water will work to improve digestion and better digestion will help lower the fumes. Speaking of improved digestion – Dolittle’s has a collection of products to get your dog’s belly back in shape. You can try digestive enzymes, goat milk, or kefir to help calm your dog’s butt of odious flares. 

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Biological Errors
You know what we mean. Puppies, seniors, and even the occasional in-betweeners will lose it in the house every now and then. Dolittle’s enzymatic cleaner, Unique, does an incredible job of getting rid of life’s little accidents. Unique is simple to use too. Just pour it on the offending spot and wait. It goes to work by converting organic material to water which will evaporate naturally. BONUS! You can even use this cleaner on your personal worst smells like running shoes or gym gear. 

It’s a good thing that our dogs are so stinking cute because sometimes the stinking is literal. Hopefully, the stink is temporary. Dolittle’s is ready to help you tackle life’s smellier moments. Our shelves are loaded with products that will help improve Buster’s sense of smell.

Did you read this whole blog? Thank you for that. Next time you’re in Dolittle’s ask for the Love Stinks promo bag. We will give you a collection of samples of some of the products we discussed here.